Sustainable tourism development issues in foreign research
tourism, sustainable development, local communities, stakeholdersAbstract
The article presents the main indicators of tourism development in the world and in the Republic of Belarus according to the World Travel & Tourism Council in 2019-2020. There is a high sensitivity of the tourism industry to changes and restrictions introduced by different countries in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic. The relevance of sustainable tourism development in the Republic of Belarus is substantiated. The purpose of this study is to examine the latest foreign research in the field of sustainable tourism development and the possibilities of their adaptation for the Republic of Belarus. Based on the research and systematization of the studied material, the author proposed a conceptual scheme for sustainable tourism development, which includes the destination product (tourist product), destination, destination resources, stakeholders (travel industry enterprises, local communities, government officials, research institutions), destination marketing, and people (the totality of the destination's visitors). It is noted that sustainable tourism development should be based on the principles of maintaining the quality of the environment, preserving and protecting cultural heritage, creating benefits for the local population and tourists, harmony between local communities, the needs of tourists and the environment, and deliberate joint efforts of all stakeholders.
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