Analysis of the competitive advantages of the hospitality industry in the western regions of Ukraine


  • L. Matviichuk Lutsk National Technical University, Ukraine
  • B. Smal Lutsk National Technical University, Ukraine


competitive advantages, hospitality industry, factors of influence


The article examines the regional foundations for the development of the hospitality industry in the regions of Ukraine. The analysis of trends in the development of structural elements of the hospitality industry. For the study, the western part of Ukraine (North-West and Carpathian regions) was selected, namely: Volyn, Rivne, Lvov, Ivano-Frankivsk, Transcarpathian and Chernivtsi regions. The competitive advantages of the hospitality industry in the studied regions have been determined, and their analysis has been carried out. The main destructive factors in the development of the tourism sector have been identified, which include: economic and political crises, quarantine restrictions, lack of systemic state support for the development of tourism entities in modern conditions; a significant level of shadowing of the tourism sector, inappropriate use of funds from tourist tax on the ground, unsatisfactory condition of tourist facilities, worn-out infrastructure in most regions, etc. The analysis of the place of each western region among the regions of Ukraine is carried out according to the main factors of influence on the competitiveness of the hospitality industry. The directions of development of the competitive advantages of the hospitality industry are proposed. For example, in the regions under study, it is advisable to develop regional programs for the formation and promotion of local products and services. In view of modern destructive factors of influence, it is proposed to develop and implement regional standards of hospitality, taking into account the specifics of the tourist attractiveness of the regions. Such a documentary regulation of the development of the hospitality industry will help to increase the competitive advantages of regional tourism products, create conditions for increasing regional income by increasing tourist flows, increase the tourist competitiveness of the regions, reduce the unemployment rate and stimulate the socio-economic development of the regions.

Author Biographies

L. Matviichuk, Lutsk National Technical University, Ukraine

Doctor of Econ. Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of Tourism and the Hotel and Restaurant Authority

B. Smal, Lutsk National Technical University, Ukraine

Graduate Student of the Department of Tourism and the Hotel and Restaurant Authority


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Tourism in the Region