The development of agricultural tourism as a new trend in expanding the opportunities of agriculture in Kazakhstan


  • K.K. Nurasheva South Kazakhstan University
  • A.E. Essenova South Kazakhstan University
  • A.N. Orymbassar Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) «2GIS»


agricultural tourism, marketing research, agricultural products market analysis, agrotourism model


The article discusses the state and problems of agricultural tourism in Kazakhstan. The experience of foreign countries is analyzed which shows the relevance of this sphere for solving economic and social problems. In European countries, agrotourism brings 10-20% of the total income of the tourism industry, but it is still not popular enough in Kazakhstan. There is a great potential for the development of agrotourism in the country: hunting tourism in the Turgai steppes, gastronomic – national dishes, therapeutic (mare's milk-kumis, camel milk-shubat), horse riding, camel riding, which was not previously practiced due to the rather high cost of keeping animals. Several unresolved issues hinder the development of agrotourism, in particular, the lack of knowledge of territories that are attractive for creating agricultural and tourist formations as an innovative sector of the modern tourism industry. A comparison of the effectiveness of traditional and agrotourism for the consumer, carried out in similar conditions, shows the obvious advantages of the latter. The Turkestan region, located in the south of Kazakhstan, has prospects for domestic tourism, which is facilitated by the implementation of the State Program for the Development of Tourism and an increase in the share of private investment in the industry to 40%. The region has a favorable geographical position, being at the crossroads of the Great Silk Road, occupies the first place in the republic for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. It is proposed to build a model of the agrotourist cluster "Green Auyl" (Kazakh life), where the tourism industry defined under the agriculture industry and the tourism industry are integrated into the complex. Integration is considered as a complex of production and services of farmers, local processing industry, storage and procurement of agricultural raw materials. The cluster is conceived as a unique all-season recreation, labor and entertainment complex, stylized as a Kazakh village, as a business with an effective organization and high quality of services provided.

Author Biographies

K.K. Nurasheva, South Kazakhstan University

Doctor of Econ. Sc., Professor, Professor of the Department «International Tourism and Service»

A.E. Essenova, South Kazakhstan University

PhD in Econ. Sc., Head of the Department «International Tourism and Service»

A.N. Orymbassar, Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) «2GIS»

Master of Economics, Manager of Sales


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Tourism in the Region