Analysis of historical and cultural tourism development of the Zhambyl region of the Republic of Kazakhstan
historical and cultural, tourism potential, tourism, region, KazakhstanAbstract
The article examines the regional features of the development of historical and cultural tourism of the Zhambyl region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The analysis of the development of the tourism sector of the Zhambyl region of the Republic of Kazakhstan is carried out. The main competitive advantages of tourism development in Zhambyl region are determined. The analysis of tourism development and its impact on the economy of Zhambyl region is carried out. To determine the strengths and weaknesses of tourism development in the Zhambyl region, a swot analysis of the tourism potential of the Zhambyl region of the Republic of Kazakhstan has been compiled. To determine the priorities for the development of historical and cultural tourism in Zhambyl region, a questionnaire was developed and a questionnaire survey of residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan was conducted. The survey was conducted online. It is concluded that Zhambyl region has prospects for the development of the tourism industry, while having an excellent geographical location and rich historical and cultural potential for the development of tourism on the Silk Road. It is necessary to develop Silk Road tours, improve the service sector and develop the material and technical base.
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