Cultural design in the sphere of event tourism in India
tourism, India, plein air, exhibition, ecology, design, public diplomacy, social activity, event tourismAbstract
The article considers the importance of social issues within the framework of the partnership cultural and creative work of artists and patrons of India and Russia, possible ways of developing cultural design skills in the field of event tourism among citizens through the social aspects of plein air and exhibition activities on the example of cooperation between the St. Petersburg Center for Humanitarian Programs, diplomatic structures both countries and Indian patrons in particular. Socio-political, demographic, economic and techno-industrial problems of modern society lead us to the need for a radical revision of a number of socio-pedagogical positions in matters of environmental propaganda and cultural and ethical education of society, including through the design and implementation of creative forms of event tourism. Methods that promote familiarization with the cognitive culture of the environmental information field, in which information becomes both a new environmental factor, as well as an effective tool for popularizing the responsible structure of society on the basis of environmental morality, virtuous social coexistence in society.
Today, more than ever, the time has come to move from a state of third-party observation to a position of direct participation in real life situations in order to ensure the preservation of nature, health safety, environmental quality and ecological quality of life. And in this, all sorts of creative ways to involve the population in solving these problems seem to be quite a promising approach, especially if we take into account the diversity of the impact and influence on the consciousness of people of various types and genres of art, and, above all, fine arts, as a creative method of attracting to co-creation, to joint creation of informational occasions and creative platforms stimulating the development of event tourism.
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