Requirements for inclusive tourism in out-of-town facilities
inclusive tourism, barrier-free environment, out-of-town accommodation, criteria for an accessible environmentAbstract
The article reviews the issues related to the organization of an accessible environment in a suburban accommodation facility for people with special health needs. The purpose of the study is to analyze the availability of a suburban accommodation facility and highlight recommendations for improving accessibility for disabled vacationers. Based on criteria related to architectural, informational accessibility and taking into account the characteristics of the target groups of people with disabilities, an analysis of the possibility of accommodating inclusive tourists in Urozero (Republic of Karelia) was carried out. The justification for the development and implementation of a plan for the modernization of the recreation center, to improve the quality of service for people without disabilities (for example, the elderly), as well as people with disabilities. The requirements for the organization of architectural accessibility of the recreation center for groups of population with limited mobility are described. Recommendations for improving the architectural accessibility of suburban accommodation facilities are highlighted, such as: building stairs with ramps on the territory of the complex; adding handrails for people with disabilities in sanitary and hygienic rooms; arranging access to water for people with limited mobility; installing special warning tactile strips for visually impaired vacationers. Recommendations for organizing leisure activities for vacationers are related to: creating an interactive map of accessible walking routes for people with limited mobility near the recreation center; inclusion in leisure programs of recreational activities, including sports, hardening and recreational activities. It is important to take these requirements and recommendations into account when equipping a universal accessible environment that will be comfortable and safe for different groups of vacationers. The implementation of these recommendations into the activities of the out-of-town accommodation facility will allow for a comfortable holiday for inclusive tourists.
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