Cultural route as part of the formation of sustainable development of the territory in domestic tourism


  • Yu.N. Ogurtsova Ural State Economy University, Russian Federation


cultural route, tourism, domestic tourism, sustainable development, historical and cultural heritage


The article explores the concepts and requirements for creating cultural routes as the basis (or supplement) for the formation of national tourist routes for various types of tourism - cultural, educational, educational, event and others in order to create the attractiveness of destinations to increase the internal tourist flow. The foreign and author's approach to the definition "cultural route" was considered, the feasibility of its development and application in Russian legislation was justified. The regulatory legal framework of Russian tourism contains only the rules for certification of national tourist routes, which, according to the author, is not enough to improve the work on the formation of recognizable regional brands in the context of the development of domestic tourism in the country.

The main factors of motivation for the development of cultural routes in Russia are formulated on the basis of local initiatives that have the support of the urban community. The considered experience of certification of cultural routes in Europe allows us to formulate approaches to the development of tourist cultural routes of several levels - local, regional, national, international.

The author also assesses the attractiveness of cultural routes for various segments of consumers in Russian tourism, taking into account the frequency of their travel in various regions of Russia. Travel trends in domestic and local Russian tourism have been identified, contributing to an increase in demand for visits to cultural, historical, architectural and memorable objects as part of short-term trips, often organized independently.

Based on travel statistics in domestic tourism, the main segments of tourists who will be interested in consuming tourist products formed on the basis of cultural routes have been identified.

Author Biography

Yu.N. Ogurtsova, Ural State Economy University, Russian Federation

PhD in Econ. Sc., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Travel Business and Hospitality


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Economics, Management and Marketing, Right in the Tourism and Hospitality