Ecological tourism research in Pinsk region
ecological tourism, ecological and touristic potential, Pinsk region, socio-economic factors, forecast, regionAbstract
The article presents the results of the ecological tourism research, including the ecological and touristic potential in the Pinsk region from 2010 to 2021. The author developed a questionnaire and conducted a sociological survey of 100 respondents. The questionnaire provided for the identification of the tourists’ main priorities in the field of ecotourism at the present stage of development of the tourism industry, as well as examining the respondents’ awareness of the main issues of ecotourism organization. The survey was conducted using Internet technologies. The author carried out a comprehensive analysis based on the results of the questionnaire and the dynamics of indicators for 12 years of ecological tourism’ development in the Pinsk region. Key socio-economic indicators provided the basis for predicting the prospects for the development of certain ecotourism areas in the Pinsk region. According to the results of the research, the promotion of domestic and inbound tourism can be considered as a significant direction for improving approaches to the implementation of ecological tourism in the future. In particular, the author identified a number of trends and compiled predictive models for the development of ecological tourism and ecological and touristic potential in the Pinsk region for the next 5 years.
The approaches proposed by the author are based on the increased relevance of researching eco-tourism in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic. The priorities for the development of the tourism industry for the Republic of Belarus have changed with an emphasis on domestic and inbound tourism, which was due to a decrease in the flow of outbound tourism in the ”post-COVID period“. Among the main problems identified by the author in the research process were: insufficient knowledge of the conceptual apparatus in the field of ecological tourism and the ecological and touristic potential of the region, problems related to infrastructure for the development of ecological tourism, as well as the insufficient level of development of tourist facilities capable of meeting international quality standards.
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