Analysis of the specifics and factors of the seasonality in tourism


  • A.V. Kuchumov Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, Russia
  • Y.S. Testina Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, Russia
  • P.Y. Eremicheva Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, Russia


seasonality, tourism, demand, tourist arrivals, factors in tourism, tourist complex, economics, semantics, analysis in tourism


The article provides a terminological and statistical analysis of the specifics of seasonality as a phenomenon. The work is analytical in nature and is immersed in a detailed study and comparison of changes in the tourist flow depending on seasonality, calculated on the basis of open data from semantic web services and the construction of hypothetical statements regarding the current position of the demand curve for tourist services.

Author Biographies

A.V. Kuchumov, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, Russia

PhD in Econ. Sc., Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Service, Tourism and Hospitality, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management in the Service Sector

Y.S. Testina, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, Russia

PhD in Econ. Sc., Head of the Department, Associate Professor of the Department of Regional Studies and International Tourism

P.Y. Eremicheva, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, Russia

Student of the 2nd Year of Master’s Degree in the Direction of Tourism


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Economics, Management and Marketing, Right in the Tourism and Hospitality