The technology of creating a virtual museum on the example of a «Virtual museum studio of works by students of the Irkutsk art college»
Virtual Museum, panoramic tour, 3D modelingAbstract
The article is a socio-cultural project to create a virtual museum studio, the subject of which is the works of students of the Irkutsk Regional Art College named after I. L. Kopylov. The purpose of this work is to demonstrate a way to create a virtual museum through demonstration software. In this project, methods of 3D modeling and creation of panoramic tours are used, since the proposed museum of student works does not have a real space and exists only in virtual reality. The creation of the project was based on such normative documents as: Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. 827 dated July 23, 2020 "On approval of Uniform rules for the organization of acquisition, accounting, storage and use of museum objects and museum collections", as well as "Technical recommendations of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation on the creation of virtual museums".
The process of creating the project consisted of several stages: definition of the term "virtual museum", selection of software, development and design of a 3D model, interior and exterior design of a museum building, selection and digitization of students' artwork, creation of panoramic images, collection of a panoramic tour, development of a tour management interface, creation of a label and audio guide. The result is a virtual museum studio project, which, firstly, demonstrates the creativity of young artists in an interesting way; secondly, it allows you to preserve artistic works forever; thirdly, it demonstrates how the problem of the absence of an exhibition space can be solved with the help of virtual reality. Such virtual museums can be used for educational purposes and for tourist services.
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