Comparative analysis of approaches to the development of rural tourism in the world and in Russia


  • A.V. Borzenkov Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation


agrotourism, rural tourism, farming, rural areas, agricultural producers, tourism and recreational activities, drivers of rural tourism development


The article discusses the problem of interpretation of the terms “rural tourism and agritourism”. The following factors gave relevance to the study of rural tourism in Russia: the closure of borders during the Covid-19 period, political sanctions of popular tourist countries, devaluation of the Russian ruble against the US dollar, logistics sanctions for traveling by plane, train and car to the countries of the

scientific community. The relevance of the study is determined by state recognition and the emergence of mechanisms for the development of rural tourism. The work examines international experience and possible directions for developing the tourism potential of rural areas in Russian regions. The work provides examples of typification of rural tourism according to concepts, qualitative initial potential, depending on the socio-economic prerequisites and tourism resources of the regions. The development of tourism in rural areas solves the following problems: new jobs, taxes, development of domestic tourism in the regions, attracting investment in rural areas, improving infrastructure and the image of rural areas in public opinion. Rural tourism is increasing its importance against the backdrop of a decline in the commodity function of personal subsidiary plots of the population both in the world and in Russia.

European Union. Despite the century-long history of the term, there is no single approach to definition in the world

Author Biography

A.V. Borzenkov, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation

Graduate Student


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Tourism in the Region