Analysis of the dynamics of changes in the indicator of inbound tourism in Russia and Bel-arus in 2021-2023


  • G.A. Karpova Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, Russian Federation
  • A.V. Kuchumov Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, Russian Federation
  • P.Y. Eremicheva Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, Russian Federation


Russia, Belarus, tourism, inbound tourism, factors of influence, tourism economy, tourist flow, tourism exports, tourist complex


This article describes the main indicators of inbound tourism of the two CIS countries. The authors consider the interdependence of changes in the dynamics of foreign tourist arrivals and socio-political, epidemiological, and economic factors. The study contains an analysis of the numerical indicators of Russia and Belarus, as well as the circumstances that influenced the increase or decrease in tourist trips, the percentage of tourism exports. Reflects current global problems and their impact on the tourist complex of states, and also highlights the fundamental factors of a permanent and temporary nature that exert pressure on changing trends within the borders of states.

Author Biographies

G.A. Karpova, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, Russian Federation

Doctor of Econ. Sc., Professor of the Department of Economics and Management in the Service Sector Head of the Department of Economics and Management in the Service Sector, Head of the Resource Scientific

A.V. Kuchumov, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, Russian Federation

PhD in Econ. Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management in the Service Sector, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Service, Tourism and Hospitality

P.Y. Eremicheva, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, Russian Federation

Student of the 2nd Year of Master’s Degree in the Direction of Tourism


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Economics, Management and Marketing, Right in the Tourism and Hospitality