Promotion tools and their influence on the image of an organization in the field of entertainment


  • S.R. Selivanova Volgograd State Physical Education Academy, Russia
  • Z.N. Kravtsova Volgograd State Physical Education Academy, Russia


entertainment industry, service promotion, consumers, target audiences, social networks and media


The authors of the article analyzed the main aspects of communication tools for promoting the services of entertainment companies. The modern terminology of PR tools and their importance in the competition of companies in the entertainment industry are presented. Entertainment services, the market of which formed at the end of the 20th century and has been actively developing in the last decade, are characterized, and statistical data on the number of entertainment industry companies in Russian cities is provided. The influence of the development of entertainment companies on the state of the tourism and hospitality sectors is considered. A concept has been proposed for promoting the services of an entertainment company, in which an important part is the process of improving the level of quality of customer service, this helps to create a positive image. Particular attention was paid to modern technologies in the process of creating unique entertainment services and their promotion. Such features complement the marketing strategy of modern entertainment companies; they provide advantages in the struggle for the attention of target audiences. Using the example of an entertainment company in a large city of the Russian Federation, methods of promoting services based on working with social media “VKontakte”, “Instagram” and others are considered. The authors note the importance of working with consumer groups on social networks and with media communities when promoting the services and unique selling propositions of entertainment companies. The practical significance of the study lies in an integrated approach when forming a strategy for promoting the services of entertainment companies, which helps to increase the target audience and make regular customers.

Author Biographies

S.R. Selivanova, Volgograd State Physical Education Academy, Russia

Senior Lecturer

Z.N. Kravtsova, Volgograd State Physical Education Academy, Russia



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