A new approach to souvenirs in the arctic regions of Karelia
tourism, problems, souvenirs, development, Republic of KareliaAbstract
The article gives a brief assessment of souvenir products in Karelia, puts forward the relevance of its modernization, taking into account the spirit and national culture of the region, and suggests a new concept of souvenir ideas for the corresponding Arctic territory. Souvenir products are an integral part of the brand of the territory and play an important role in its perception and formation of impressions from visiting this region. 40% of the territory of the Republic of Karelia is equated to the regions of the Far North, where representatives of indigenous peoples live: Finns, Karelians, Sami. There have been no studies of souvenir authentic products, taking into account the cultural background and history of this region. Therefore, the novelty of this work is the development of proposals for the formation of a brand in the northern part of the republic through souvenirs.
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