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The scientific and practical journal ”Tourism and Hospitality“ covers various theoretical and practical issues in tourism and hospitality, and more effective solutions in this area based on interdisciplinary research. A wide range of issues include: economics, management, marketing, law in tourism and hospitality; technology and innovation in tourism and hospitality; historical, cultural and natural aspects of tourism and hospitality; tourism development in regions.

Publisher: Polessky State University
Journal frequency: 2 times a year.
Release dates: No. 1 - June 30, No. 2 - December 30.
Materials are accepted in No. 1 - until May 01; in No. 2 – until November 01.
Language: Articles are accepted in Russian and Belarusian. By agreement with the editorial board, articles in other languages may be accepted and published.
Founder: Educational Establishment ”Polessky State University“.
Subscription to the journal is carried out through post offices of communication in the ”Catalog of Printed Media. Republic of Belarus“(indexes: for individual subscribers 00946, for enterprises and organizations 009462).

ISSN 2524-2385 (Online), ISSN 2410-3810 (Print)

According to the current editorial policy, the fee for publishing articles is not charged.