The media sphere and personal security in the information society
Ключевые слова:
coronacrisis, fundamental values, the media sphere, the tripolar worldАннотация
Geopolitical changes in the information society are characterized by the convergence of existing social institutions, socio-economic and military-political instability. Desynchronization of social relations in a tripolar world, toxic competition, the struggle for resources between modern states, information genocide of Euro-Atlantic countries against the modern Republic of Belarus and Russia, actualizes the problems associated with the media sphere and information security of the individual.
Библиографические ссылки
Lukashenko A.G. U nas est` ponimaniye situattsii I plan dejstvij [We have an understanding of the situation and a plan of action]. Belorusskaya Dumka [Belarusian thought]. 2021, no2, pp. 3-24. (In Russian)
Tsygankov P.A. "Gibridnaja vojna": politicheskii diskurs I mezhdunarodnaja praktika ["Hybrid war": political discourse and international practice]. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Ser. 18. Sociology and political science [Bulletin of Moscow University. Ser. 18. Sociology and political science]. 2015, no 4, pp. 253-258. (In Russian)
Rubtsov A.V. Prevrashchenija ideologii. Ponjatie ideologicheskogo v “predek`nom” rasshirenii [Transformations of ideology. The concept of the ideological in the "ultimate" expansion]. Voprosy philosofii [Questions of Philosophy]. 2018, no 7, pp. 16-25. (In Russian)
Melkov S.A. Kakie tsennosti predstoit zashchishchat` Rossii [What values will Russia have to defend]. Vlast` [Power]. 2015, no 2, pp. 94-97. (In Russian)
Sokolov A.A., Sokolova S.N. et al. SARS-CoV-2 and coronacrisis: Epidemiological challenges, social policies and administrative strategies. Edited by E.I. Legach, K.S. Sharov. Singapore: Springer Publishers, 2021, pp. 250.
Brychkov A.S., Nikonorov G.A., Sokolova A.A., Sokolova S.N. [et al]. Duhovnye izmerenie gibridnoj vojny v informatsionnoj sfere: tsennistnyj aspect. Gibridnye vojny XXI stoletija: proishogdenie, sushchnost` i mesto v tsivilizatsionnom protsesse [Spiritual Dimension of Hybrid Warfare in the Information Sphere: Value Aspect. Hybrid Warfare of the 21st Century: Origin, Essence and Place in the Civilization Process]. Smolensk: VA VPVO Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, 2019, pp. 306. (In Russian)
Haustova N.A., Sokolova А.А, Sokolova S.N. Information society: socio-political aspect of the consequences of the global coronacrisis. Vestnik Polesskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya obshhestvenny`kh i gumanitarny`kh nauk [Bulletin of Polessky State University. Series in Social Sciences and Humanities]. 2021, no 2, pp. 87-94.
Sokolova A.A., Sokolova S.N. Information-educational environment and security of the modern person. Vestnik Polesskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya obshhestvenny`kh i gumanitarny`kh nauk [Bulletin of Polessky State University. Series in Social Sciences and Humanities]. 2020, no 2, pp. 89-93.
Sokolova A.A., Kalenchuk T.V., Sokolova S.N. Neo-terrorism in the information society as a basic element of hybrid warfare strategy. Vestnik Polesskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya obshhestvenny`kh i gumanitarny`kh nauk [Bulletin of Polessky State University. Series in Social Sciences and Humanities]. 2021, № 2. - pp. 21-27.
Gayshun A.N. Menyaushchijsya oblik mira: konflikty interesov sily I shansy dky postsovetskikh stran [The Changing Face of the World: Power Conflicts of Interest and Opportunities for the Post-Soviet Countries]. Belorusskaya Dumka [Belarusian thought]. 2019, no 3, pp. 91-96. (In Russian)
Список литературы
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