Problem of students’ deviant behaviour at higher education institutions in the context of digital transformation


  • O.Y. Zinovich SEI «Republican Institute of Higher Education», Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Ключевые слова:

digitalization of society, digital transformation, information and communication space, education уsystem, deviant learning behavior, norm, educational activity


The article is devoted to the consideration of a current pedagogical problem of preventing deviant educational behavior that is common among students of higher education institutions. The author analyzes the conditions of the existence in the practice of educational activities of trainees of cheating, prompts, compilation, plagiarism and other negative forms of educational behavior implemented in the information and communication space in the context of the digital transformation of modern society. Taking into account the provisions expressed by the author will help to solve the problems of improving the quality of professional training of young specialists in the Republic of Belarus.

Биография автора

O.Y. Zinovich, SEI «Republican Institute of Higher Education», Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Graduate Student of the Department Psychology and Pedagogical Skills, SEI «Republican Institute of Higher Education», lecturer of department of marketing and international management, Polessky State University

Библиографические ссылки


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