
  • A.A. КИСЕЛЁВ (А.А. KISELEV), канд. ист. наук, доцент Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


general police, city police department, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Belarusian provinces, domestic policy of the Russian Empire


The article discusses changes in the structure of urban police departments in the Minsk province in the second half of the XIX century. Polish uprising of 1863–1864 did not significantly affect the structure of urban police departments. Despite the processes of urbanization and modernization of the economy, until the end of the 19th century, the organizational and staff of the police in the cities of the Minsk province was not revised. Only in 1899, at the initiative of the local authorities, did the police of Minsk receive a state that partially corresponded to the tasks of protecting public order. The structure of the rest of the city police departments of Minsk province did not change.


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3. Lithuanian State Historical Archives History of Belarus (LSHA). The collection of documents no. 378, the inventory no. 1863, the proceeding no. 18. (in Russian).

4. Lithuanian State Historical Archives (LSHA). The collection of documents no. 378, the inventory no. 1865, the proceeding no. 26. (in Russian).

5. Lithuanian State Historical Archives (LSHA). The collection of documents no. 378, the inventory no. 1864, the proceeding no. 13. (in Russian).

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11. Monkkonen Eric H. History of Urban Police. Crime and Justice, 1992, vol. 15, pp. 547–580.

12. Reiss Jr. Albert J. Police Organization in the Twentieth Century. Crime and Justice, 1992, vol. 15, pp. 51–97.

13. Emsley Clive Crime, Police, and Penal Policy. European Experiences 1750–1940. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013, 298 p.

14. Spencer Elaine Glovka Policing Popular Amusements in German cities. Тhе Case of Prussia's Rhine Province, 1815–1914. Journal of urban history, 1990, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 366–385.





Historical sciences