medialinguistics, media text of network discourse, polycode text, multimodality of media communicationAbstract
The term “media text” has many definitions. Under the media text, researchers understand the specific result of media production, the media product is a message containing information and presented in any type and genre of media (newspaper article, TV show, video clip, advertising message, film, etc.) addressed to a mass audience. Media text is an integrative multilevel sign that unites different semiotic codes (verbal, non-verbal, media) into a single communicative whole and demonstrates the fundamental openness of text on the meaningful, conceptual, structural and symbolic levels. In the article we rely on the concept of T. G. Dobrosklonskaya, according to which, when transferring a classic text to the sphere of mass media, the text receives new semantic shades and media supplements. Media texts produced by media model and integrate various heterogeneous components in a single semantic space: verbal, visual, audiovisual and others. The specificity of the created texts, in our opinion, consists rather in the interaction of its components, rather than in the structural features of each of them separately. The polyencoding of a media text consists in combining verbal text and an image, the so-called picture, picture or photo. In the course of the study, a comparative analysis of the media texts of network discourse was carried out, which made it possible to identify the linguistic and media parameters of this type of text.
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