
  • О.В. МАШЕВСКАЯ (O.V. MASHEVSKAYA), канд. экон. наук, доцент Belarusian State University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


digital society, digital intelligence, information risks, knowledge, information technology


In the article, the author draws attention to the fact that as the transition to a digital economy, society and life become more and more connected with the world of digital technologies, digital intelligence and become more informational. However, digital space has not only positive aspects, which introduces diversity in our life today and facilitates the solution of a number of tasks, but also marks a number of negative points that parents, teachers, and the entire society need to pay attention not to overstep that line, beyond which moral principles and principles will cease to be mandatory. Of course, in general, to protect young people from online communications is equivalent to forcing a city dweller to live and work in a deaf, abandoned area. Such a situation can provoke an individual to remain without friends, to be turned off from communication, to limit socialization skills, to leave without fascinating creative activity, and much more. Therefore, the task of the older generation should be to control the information received, the positioning of young people in this Internet environment and to minimize information and other risks.


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Pedagogical sciences