interlingua, foreign language, Russian as a foreign language, comparison, language aspects, interference, nationally-oriented methodology, distance learningAbstract
This article focuses on the teaching of foreign languages in particular Russian as a foreign language. One of the modern trends in the methodology of teaching Russian to foreigners is a nationally-oriented method. The essence of this method is to use in the process of learning the native language of students or an interlingua. In this article the author relying on the opinion of domestic and foreign researchers reveals the essence of the notion “interlingua” and also shows its importance in the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language demonstrating the main situations in which its use is appropriate. The author explains the choice of the English language as interlingua, based on the facts confirming its status as a world language. The question of using interlingua in classes on RFL has long been of concern to both domestic and foreign methodologists. According to the author of the article, the fact how often and in what situations one should resort to the help of the students' native language or the interlingua depends on many factors that must be taken into account when working with foreign students. So, special attention should be paid to the stage of training, the form of training, the contingent of students, the content of training, as well as the objectives of training. The article discusses in detail how and to what extent an interlingua can be used in relation to each of the above factors.
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