
  • А.А. СОКОЛОВА (А.А. SOKOLOVA), магистр психологических наук Universitet Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus Civil Protection Minsk, Republic of Belarus
  • А.Г. ДЫК (А.G. DYK), канд. юр. наук, доцент Smolensk University of Humanities, Russian Federation
  • Т.В. КАЛЕНЧУК (T.V. KALENCHUK), ассистент Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


dehumanization, security, information violence, sigma security, axiological stereotype of personality, spiritual security


Integration processes in the world precivilization, determine the development of information and telecommunication infrastructure of modern society and dynamically format the geopolitical, financial and economic, socio-psychological, socio-cultural context of social reality. Dehumanization of modern society, according to the authors, is associated with axiological stereotypes of personality, information violence and security. Man, as a subject of the security sphere, as a special spiritual energy, creative and biosocial being, being in a situation of value deprivation, makes his personal choice to achieve a state of protection from the existing dangers, threats, which affects the value projection of the social reality. In the process of information destructive pressure, propaganda of antivalues, purposeful impact on the modern man of the flow of illegitimate information, an updated axiological stereotype of personality is formed, and traditional values lose their value. In this regard, in the sphere of security there are also destructive metamorphoses associated with information violence, the development of the Internet, television and communication technologies that format social institutions, as well as the existential characteristics of a person. Modern communications that change the structure of society, thus give rise to a conflict of interpretations, complicating the moral and intellectual choice of man («digital man», «digital generation», «digital aborigines»). And in this case, the axiological transformation of the personality especially actualizes the Sigma of security, as there is a devaluation of traditional values, which are the source of artificial stereotypes and anti -values. Sigma security is a person and patriot, a tolerant person with a high level of culture, who has modern professional knowledge and is focused on humanism, tolerance, compliance with laws and respect for state institutions. In modern society, as a result, it is necessary to avoid radical changes associated with the devaluation of traditional values, the emergence of artificial stereotypes, pseudo-moral diplomacy, antivalues, total reification and hedonism. And in this situation, in modern society it is necessary to focus on the principles of humanism, morality, paying attention to the axiological stereotypes of the individual, as well as more actively articulate and introduce traditional values into the public consciousness.


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Philosophical sciences