
  • О.А. МЕЛЬНИК (V.A. MELNIK), старший преподаватель State Institution of Education «Academy of Postdiploma Education», Minsk, Republic of Belarus


democratic culture, competence approach, international experience, education, intercultural dialogue, socialization


The article is the result of scientific research on the formation of democratic culture and democratic competencies of students. The article contains theoretical, methodological and practical materials on the structure of democratic competencies of participants educational process. International experience in developing democratic culture competences in the Council of Europe is described.


1. Борисенков, А. А. Политическая культура: сущность, виды и закон / А.А. Борисенков // PolitBook. 2014. – №2. – [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа:

2. Знания, умения и навыки, лежащие в основе культуры демократии : учиться жить вместе на равных в демократическом обществе в условиях культурного многообразия – Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2017 –78 p.

3. Мельник, О.А. Подготовка педагогов к формированию демократической культуры обучающихся в информационную эпоху : учеб.-метод. пособие. / О.А. Мельник, М.Е. Минова ; ГУО «Акад. последиплом. образования». – Минск : АПО, 2018. – 179 с.

4. Человек и общество: Культурология: Словарь – справочник. Учебное пособие / под ред. О.М. Штомпеля, Ростов –на-Дону : Феникс, 1996. – 544 с.

5. Яценко, Н. Е. Толковый словарь обществоведческих терминов / Н.Е. Яценко. – Санкт-Петербург : Лань,1999. – 524 с.

6. Birzea, C. Tool for Quality Assurance of Education for Democratic Citizenship in Schools / С. Bîrzea, M. Cecchini, C. Harrison, J. Krek, V. Spajić-Vrkaš – Paris : UNESCO, Council of Europe, Centre for Educational Policy Studies, 2005. – 123 р. (англ.)

7. Brett, P. How All Teachers Can Support Citizenship and Human Rights Education: a Framework for the Development of / P. Brett, P. Mompoint-Gaillard, M.H. Salema Edited by Sarah Keating-Chetwynd – Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2009. – 84 р. (англ.)

8. Recommendation of the Parliamentary Assembly 1849 (2008), For the Promotion of a Culture of Democracy and Human Rights through Teacher Education [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: (англ.)


1. Borisenkov A.A. Politicheskaja kultura: suschnost, vidi i zakon [Political culture: the essence, types and law]. PolitBook, 2014, no. 2. [Electronic resource], Access mode: (In Russian)

2. Znanija, umenija i naviki, lezaschie v osnove kulturi demokratii : uchitsja zit vmeste na ravnih v demokraticheskom obschestve v uslovijah kulturnogo mnogoobrazija [Knowledge, skills and abilities that underlie the culture of democracy: learn to live together on an equal footing in a democratic society with cultural diversity], Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2017,78 p. (In Russian)

3. Melnik V.A. Podgotovka pedagogov k formirovaniju demokraticheskoj kulturi obuchajuschihsja v informacionnuju epohu : ucheb.-metod. posobie [Preparation of teachers for the formation of a democratic culture of students in the information age: study.-method. manual], GUO «Acad. Poslediplomnogo obrazovanija» [SEI «Acad. postgraduate Education»], Minsk: APO, 2018, 179 p. (In Russian)

4. Chelovek i obschestvo: Kulturologija: Slovar – spravochnik. Uchebnoe posobie [Human and Society: Cultural Studies: Dictionary – reference. Manual], pod red. [ed.] O.M. Shtompel, Rostov–on-Don., Phoenix, 1996, 544 p. (In Russian)

5. Yatsenko N. E. Tolkovij slovar obschestvovedcheskih terminov [Explanatory Dictionary of Social Science Terms], St. Petersburg: Lan, 1999, 524 p. (In Russian)

6. Birzea, C. Tool for Quality Assurance of Education for Democratic Citizenship in Schools Paris : UNESCO, Council of Europe, Centre for Educational Policy Studies, 2005, 123 р. (In English)

7. Brett P. How All Teachers Can Support Citizenship and Human Rights Education: a Framework for the Development of Competencies. Mompoint-Gaillard, M.H. Salema Edited by Sarah Keating-Chetwynd, Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2009, 84 р. (In English)

8. Recommendation of the Parliamentary Assembly 1849 (2008), For the Promotion of a Culture of Democracy and Human Rights through Teacher Education [Electronic resource], Access mode: (In English).





Philosophical sciences