antiutopia, genre, truth, march, music, freedom, danceAbstract
The main problematics of the literary genre of anti-utopia is related to the understanding of the essence of man and his place in the world and society; the focus of the authors of these works are the moral and philosophical categories of truth and freedom. Unlike the philosophical treatise, these categories are presented in a non-verbal form in a literary text. At the same time, writers often turn to other art forms and draw from them material for creating images. Thus, the semanticization of certain properties of musical genres is one of the mechanisms of modeling the fantastic grotesque world of anti-utopia. The subject of research is the inclusion of the antiutopia of march and dance in the artistic model of the world. These musical genres have a relatively stable semantics. However, the authors of anti-utopias, presenting the interaction of march and dance in different variants, enrich them with new connotations. In E.I. Zamyatin's novel "We" the ratio of march and dance correlates with fundamental opposition to freedom/non-freedom, man/ mechanism. These genres first have common properties and are signs of unfreedom and mechanism. Then they undergo changes, as a result of which the march is annulled, and the classical dance, pretending to be a dance, acquires connotations of freedom and humanity. In M. Kozyrev's novel "The fifth voyage of Lemuel Gulliver, the captain of an airplane to Huberallia, the best of the world's countries, also called a country of hypocrisy and lies", the use of the semantics of the march, the image of marching troops helps to create an image of a militaristic state with a police regime. In two fantastic dances, the essence of the domestic and foreign policy of Huberallia, the behavioral attitude and the way of expressing the thoughts of its citizens are encoded - the substitution of one concept with the other, the opposite, which results in the distortion of the concepts of truth and freedom. In the novel by S. Krzhizhanovsky's "Side branch" creates a neuric situation. It is based on the realization of the metaphor of sinking consciousness. One of the methods of the metaphor realization is the description of the fantastic drunken and somnambulist procession. Putting the problem of replacing reality with fiction, the author creates a march fiction by travesting a number of properties of the march and by introducing a dance element into it. Thus, the inclusion of the antiutopia of the march and dance in the artistic world helps writers to reveal the actual moral-philosophical, aesthetic and socio-political problems.
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