The Soviet-Finnish Armed Conflict in the Context of Information Confrontation: is the “Unknown War” Unknown?


  • А.С. Брычков (A.S. Brichkov), д-р филос. наук, профессор The Russian Federation Armed Forces Army Air Defense Military Academy


the “Winter” War 1939-1940, intelligence, report, boundary battle, WPRA, Wehrmacht, border, defense


The article is based on the archive documents and covers the events that were the previous to Soviet-Finnish conflict in 1939-1940. The authors justify their version of those events connected with the joining of the USSR to a war with Finland. They rely on the sources which were not involved yet. Prewar history and history of the Second World War are the main objects of information confrontation in the sphere of historical consciousness. This confrontation has the only goal to rewrite the results of the Second World War.


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Historical sciences