Organizational Foundations of an Integrated Physical Education and Sports Environment and the Effectiveness of Students' Physical Education


  • М.В. Гаврилик (M.V. Haurylik), ст. преподаватель Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


physical education, physical culture and sports environment, educational environment, physical culture and sports activities, physical culture, physical activity


In the article, the physical education of students is considered as an integral part of higher humanitarian education and a qualitative measure of the complex impact of the forms, means and methods of physical education on the level of personality development. In the proposed concept of increasing the effectiveness of physical education of students, the basis was the use of the possibilities of the variable part of the content of the physical education program, as well as the rational use of managed independent work (planning, organization and control) creates the most favorable conditions for students to self-identify in the choice of types of motor activity and the inclusion of students in independent motor activity. The article presents the results of monitoring students' satisfaction with physical education, and also determines the influence of various factors on the students' attitude to physical education classes. This article reveals the pedagogical essence and polysemy of the process of interaction of the physical culture and sports environment and the personality of the learner, implemented in a number of environmental functions: teaching, educational, formative, controlling, which contribute to increasing the efficiency of students' development conditions; taking into account the increasing professional competence and mobility of teachers in the development and implementation of innovative approaches in the practice of physical education.


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Pedagogical sciences