Culture and Civic Education: Axiological Matrix of Personality


  • А.А. Соколова (А.А. Sokolova) Universitet Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus Civil Protection Minsk, Republic of Belarus
  • Т.В. Каленчук (T.V. Kalenchuk), ассистент Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


civic education, civil society, humanistic values, axiological matrix of personality


Civic education is considered a promising, or rather, innovative direction of pedagogical research, characterizing the novelty of the author's interpretation of the problem. Modern processes of democratization in the Republic of Belarus and the creation of the rule of law suggest intensive development of scientific thought in the process of implementation of practice-oriented approaches related to civil education as a pedagogical phenomenon that requires philosophical reflection. At the present time, civil education is at the epicenter of discussions of the pedagogical community of the Republic of Belarus, which discusses issues related to the process of formation of a person-citizen, as well as standards of modern education.


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Philosophical sciences