Philosophical and Aesthetic System of J.-M.G. Le Clezio and its Artistic Implementation


  • О.Ф. Жилевич (O.F. Jilevich), канд. фил. наук, доцент Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


French literature, Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio, Material admiration, philosophical and allegorical novel, Spinoza, Ethics, rationalism, matter, existentialism


Objective: is to identify the philosophical and aesthetic foundations of the works of J.-M. G. Le Сlezio and determine the specifics of the artistic realization of the views of a prose writer in a philosophical and allegorical novel.

Materials: B. Spinoza «Ethics» and J.-M. G. Le Сlezio «Material Ecstasy», «Terra Amata», «The Book of Flights», «War», «Journeys to the Other Side», «Unknown on Earth».

Methods: comparative-historical method, system-structural method for the study of literary text, the concept of dialogical art thinking.

Results of the study can be used in further study of the artistic heritage of J.-M. G. Le Сlezio. The philosophical and aesthetic foundations of the writer’s work and their artistic realization in the philosophical and allegorical novel revealed in the article will deepen the understanding of the modern literary process.

Conclusion. Both B. Spinoza and J.-M. G. Le Сlezio remind us that we are mortal beings connected by the material Universe, on which our future existence depends. In addition, by rejecting binary logic inherited from Renaissance humanism and exposing the inherent flaws of Cartesian logic that have no real basis, both thinkers prompt the estranged modern subject to seek philosophical and, possibly, even spiritual redemption from the poverty of the human condition in the only place where we really know that we exist. Instead of inventing imaginary heavenly places that await our certain «privileged» species after a short stay on earth, both authors argue that the first step to enlightenment is to stop denying our own material nature. The views of B. Spinoza and J.-M. G. Le Сlezio is an invaluable starting point for redefining the relationship between humanity and the rest of the planet during an unprecedented environmental disaster. Their deep thoughts about matter and its endless modifications can potentially change the course of modern civilization, awakening us from selfish, anthropocentric delusions.In such works of art as «Material Ecstasy», «Terra Amata», «The Book of Flights», «War», «Journeys to the Other Side», «Unknown on Earth» the writer argues that the first step to understanding the complex relationship between humanity and the rest of the universe is the adoption of basic fundamental realities. «If we deny our physicality and connection with the natural world surrounding us, then how can we hope to understand ourselves?» – the writer asks. According to the prose writer, human life is just one way or form that matter temporarily takes before processing its energy to continue various organic cycles. In parable-allegorical form J.-M. G. Le Сlezio reminds the alienated and disconnected modern subject that the Earth precedes humanity and can one day continue its indifferent trajectory without us. Perhaps this implementation is the most important starting point for presenting a more realistic and sustainable connection between global human society and outer space.


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3. Labbé M. Le Clézio, the romance gap. Paris; Montreal; Torino, 1999. 285 p. (In French)

4. Lehtovuori E. The Paths of Narcissus or The Problem of the Mirror by Michel Tournier. Helsinki, 1995. 289 р. (In French)

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12. Spinoza B. The Ethics. London, 2017. 222 p.

13. Le Clézio J.-M. G. The fever. Paris, 1965. 421 р. (In French)

14. Le Clézio J.-M. G. Voyages on the other side. Paris, 1975. 308 p. (In French)





Philosophical sciences