Political youth Subjectivity in Terms of the Formation of the Strategy of the State youth Policy in the Republic of Belarus
political participation, electoral process, institutional mechanism, public (civil) initiative, political interactionsAbstract
Objective: identification of possible areas of institutional impact on the state of civil and political youth subjectivity due to the processes of the development of the state youth policy strategy in the Republic of Belarus.
Methods: structural and functional, institutional, comparative.
Results. A number of practice-oriented proposals to improve the mechanisms of state youth policy, revealing the ways to enhance the institutionalized inclusion of the young generation as full-fledged subjects in these processes have been outlined.
Conclusion. The processes of formation of "Strategy of State Youth Policy in the Republic of Belarus for 2020-2030" provide a "window of opportunity" to enhance the civil and political subjectivity of young people through their inclusion in the institutionalized socially significant decision - making procedures and allocation of program resources.
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