Humanistic Values and Security Scope in the Information Society


  • Э.М. Калянчук (E.N. Kalenchuk), старэйшы выкладчык Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus
  • С.М. Сакалова (S.N. Sokoiova), д-р філас. навук, дацэнт Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


personal safety, cognition, activity approach, safety culture, information society


In this article, the authors focus on the safe existence of the individual, the process of cognition, humanistic values in the information society, anthropological crisis, which is scientific novelty, determined by information violence, cyber-attacks, military conflicts, international terrorism. The security sector in the information society occupies a special place, which is associated with the geopolitical processes taking place in society (military conflicts, global crises) that change social life, value priorities and the consciousness of the modern person. And in this case, a logical question arises characterizing the relationship between the security sphere and humanistic values in the information and communication space.


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Philosophical sciences