Materials of State Statistics of the BSSR 1919 – 1939: Problem of Source Reliability
reliability of the source, BSSR, statistical materialsAbstract
A fruitful study of the socio-economic situation of Belarus and its individual regions is impossible without the availability of relevant quantitative information. Among the source complexes on the history of Soviet Belarus for 1919-1939 years that require increased attention of researchers, it is worth pointing out the statistical materials, most of which are documents created by the central statistical agencies of the BSSR. The purpose of this article is to identify and characterize the factors that influenced the reliability of the statistical materials of the central statistical authorities of the BSSR for 1919–1939 years. The scientific novelty of the article is revealed in the goal setting itself, and by the results obtained during its implementation. The author of the article conducts a study to clarify the circumstances of the development of statistical materials for centralized accounting in the BSSR from 1919 to 1939 years. Previously, the materials of the central statistical bodies, as a corpus of sources on the history of the BSSR, were not studied entirely. In domestic and foreign historiography, only certain works of researchers are represented (Y.P. Bokarev, V.B. Zhiromskaya, V.A. Latysheva, V.D. Selemenev, I.A. Tropov, M.N. Chernomorsky, S.N. Hodin), in which the accuracy and completeness of information in a specified group of historical materials is assessed abruptly.
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