Formation and Activity of the Comissariat of Healthcare of the Socialistic Soviet Republic of Belarus in 1919
Commissariat of Healthcare, Provisional Workers-Peasants Soviet Government of Belarus, Socialistic Soviet Republic of Belarus, medicineAbstract
Problems of formation of state healthcare management authorities in the process of formation of the Belarusian state on the Soviet basis are one of the least studied aspects of the activities of the Provisional Workers-Peasants Soviet Government of Belarus. This article describes the process of creation of administrative authorities of healthcare management in the context of the formation of the Belarusian soviet statehood in 1919. After the establishment of Soviet reign, the reform of healthcare, that was destroyed during the First world war, on the basis of the Bolshevik principles of free, accessible and qualified medical care was interrupted by the beginning of the German offensive and occupation of most part of the Belarusian lands in February, 1918. After the retreat of German troops in the process of forming of the future government of the Belarusian Soviet Republic, the Commissariat of Healthcare of the SSRB was created on the example of the People’s Commissariat of Healthcare of the RSFSR. Despite resolute measures to provide medical support to the population and to counteract epidemics, the Commissariat was also engaged in non-core duties: logistics of food delivery, prevention of drunkenness and prostitution. However, the lack of adequate funding led to the need of using emergency measures to mobilize medical personnel and use the resources of the civilian population for healthcare needs. The policy of the Soviet leaders led to the incorporation of the SSRB into the SSR of Lithuania and Belarus, which caused to the curtailment of the Commissariat of Healthcare in Minsk and transfer of a significant part of its personnel to Vilna for organization of the People’s Commissariat of Healthcare of the LitBel.
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