Role, Place, Importance of the Intermediate Language in Blended Learning of Russian as Foreign Language
blended learning, intermediate language, comparative analysis, teaching Russian as a foreign languageAbstract
This article is devoted to the issues of teaching foreign languages, in particular Russian as a foreign language. One of the main problems of the methodology as a science is the search for optimal teaching methods and technologies. In teaching Russian as a foreign language among scientists there is no single and unambiguous opinion on the method that can be used in the classroom for the most effective assimilation of the material presented. However many methodologists and researchers demonstrate in their work the appropriateness of using the native language of students or the intermediary language, especially in blended or distance learning, when students have to master a significant portion of the material themselves. In the presented article the author relying on the opinion of domestic and foreign researchers analyzes the role, place and importance of the intermediary language in the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language, demonstrating the main situations in which its use is appropriate. The article discusses how and to what extent the intermediary language can be used at different stages of training and in teaching different aspects of the language.
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