Sports Achievements: Assessment of Motor Sensitivity in the Movement Control System of Athletes in Selected Sports


  • И.Ю. Костючик (I. Kastsiuchyk), Начальник Центра ФКиС Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


stabilometry, functional indicators, kinesthetic sensitivity, coordination abilities, sensory systems


High achievements in sports activities today are difficult to imagine both without taking into account mechanisms of controlling the motor actions of athletes and without objective quantitative control of functional readiness. Obviously, depending on the sport, the level of functional readiness has its own specific features. In different sports, the same methods are often used to assess the physical form of an athlete, but despite the reliability of common tests, according to leading experts, there is undoubtedly a need for new, more specific approaches. In our opinion, statokinesiography (stabilometry) is one of the most promising methods in the comprehensive assessment of human functional capabilities. The novelty of the author's view on the problem of functional readiness makes it possible to derive quantitative characteristics of the work of sensory systems in the movement control system of athletes engaged in various sports. The article reveals the distinctive features of maintaining the equilibrium function of swimmers, water polo players and hockey players with differentiated significance of the functions of the visual analyzer in providing the basic motor stereotype.


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Pedagogical sciences