Integrated Physical and Sports Environment of Higher Education


  • М.В. Гаврилик (M.V. Haurylik), старший преподаватель Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


physical education, integration, physical culture and sports environment, physical culture and sports activities, physical culture, physical activity


The article presents the results of a study in which the author uses modeling to reproduce the integrity of the studied physical culture and sports environment, its structure, and functioning relationships. The peculiarity of the author's model is the content of physical-sport environment of physical education, which is built in accordance with the objectives of the educational process and sports needs of the students. The article reveals the essence of an integrated educational physical culture and sports environment, which consists in creating real conditions for productive interaction between the University and the social environment, which is a single educational process. The substantiation of a functional purpose model of the integrated educative physical-sport environment - harmonization of the system of interaction of factors that ensure the optimal functioning of the integrated educative physical-sport environment. The definition of an integrated educational physical culture and sports environment is given. The model of the integrated educative physical-sport environment consists of factors of the system interaction, (value-oriented factors, external environmental factors, the subjective factor, variable factor); of mechanisms of coordination of the factors of the integrated educative physical-sport environment(the principles of alignment, pedagogical technologies);of the main functions as a result of coordination of the factors of the integrated educative physical-sport environment (educational, health, sports, educational, educational); from the evaluation component focused on the expected result of the harmonious development of the individual. Mechanisms for coordinating the system interaction of factors are the following principles: integrality; variability; pedagogy of cooperation; coherence of interests; multifunctionality; dynamism; diversification.


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2. Gavrilik M.V. Social'no-pedagogicheskie uslovija udovletvorennosti studentov fizicheskim vospitaniem [Socio-pedagogical conditions of students’ satisfaction with physical education]. Vestnik Mogilevskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni A. A. Kuleshova [Vestnik MSU A.A. Kuleshov], 2019, no. 1(53), pp.40-45. (In Russian)

3. Gavrilik M.V. Organizacionnye osnovy integrirovannoj fizkul'turno-sportivnoj sredy i jeffektivnost' fizicheskogo vospitanija studentov [Organizational foundations of an integrated physical education and sports environment and the effectiveness of students' physical education]. Vestnik Polesskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija obshhestvennyh i gumanitarnyh nauk [Bulletin of Palesky State University. Series in Social Sciences and Humanities], 2019,no. 2, pp.48-54. (In Russian)

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Pedagogical sciences