State Institutions of Belarus in the Process of Political Participation
political communication, youth, information and communication technologies, political participation, institutional mechanism, youth meetings, political interactionsAbstract
The subject of the analysis is the content and forms of transformations of political communications of young people in the post-Soviet period. The directions and features of institutional practices that have influenced the change in the volume and content of modern political communications of young people are considered. Opportunities for improving political communication between political and power institutions and the youth environment using the available resources of information and communication technologies are outlined.
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11. Ленин, В.И. Задачи союзов молодежи: Речь на III Всероссийском съезде Российского Коммунистического Союза Молодежи 2 октября 1920 г. / В.И. Ленин. – М. : Молодая гвардия, 1982. – 32 с.
1. Sokolova S.N. Mezhdunarodnaya bezopasnost' v informacionnom obshche-stve: osnovnye funkcii gosudarstvennogo regulirovaniya [International security in information society: basic functions of the state regulation (in Russian)]. Informacionnoe pravo [Information law]. 2018. no 3, pp. 4‒7. (in Russian)
2. Sluka O.G. SMI Belarusi v usloviyah stroitel'stva social'no orienti-rovannoj ekonomiki [Mass media of Belarus in the conditions of construction of socially oriented economy]. Minsk: BGU, 2014. 59 p. (in Russian)
3. Evstaf'ev V.A. Sovremennoe obshchestvo: duhovnye aspekty informacion-noj bezopasnosti lichnosti [Modern society: spiritual aspects of information security of personality]. Vestnik Polesskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya obshchestvennyh i gumanitarnyh nauk. [Bulletin of Polessky State University. Series of the social and humanitarian sciences]. 2016. no 1, pp. 49‒55. (in Russian)
4. Kostinevich K. Stanovlenie politicheskoj kommunikativistiki kak nauki [Formation of political communicativism as a science]. Thesaurus / Magіlyoўskі іnstytut MUS. Vyp. 6 : Kamunikacyjnyya asnovy suchasnaj cyvilizacyi [Mogilev Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 6: The communicative foundations of modern civilization]. 2018. no 3, pp. 4‒7. (in Russian)
5. Grachev M. N. Politicheskaya kommunikaciya: teoreticheskie koncepcii, modeli, vektory razvitiya [Political communication: theoretical concepts, models, vectors of development]. Moscow: Prometheus, 2004. 328 p. (in Russian)
6. Deuttsch K. The Nerves of Government: Models of Political Communication and Control. N.Y., 1963. 316 p. (in Russian)
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8. Solov'ev A. I. Politologiya: Politicheskaya teoriya, politicheskie tekhno-logii: Uchebnik dlya studentov vuzov [Politology: Political Theory, Political Technologies: Textbook for University Students]. Moscow: Aspect Press, 2003. 559 p. (in Russian)
9. Delyagin M. Osobennosti sovremennogo obshchestva [Peculiarities of Modern Society]. Nash sovremennik [Our contemporary]. 2018. no 2, pp. 136 ‒ 141. (in Russian)
10. Omel'chenko E. L. Molodezh': Otkrytyj vopros [Youth: Open question]. Ulyanovsk: Ulyanovsk: «Simbirskaya kniga», 2004. 184 p. (in Russian)
11. Lenin V.I. Zadachi soyuzov molodezhi: Rech' na III Vserossijskom s"ezde Rossijskogo Kommunisticheskogo Soyuza Molodezhi 2 oktyabrya 1920 g. [Problems of Youth Unions: Speech at the III All-Russian Congress of the Russian Communist Union of Youth, October 2, 1920]. Moscow: Molodaya gvardiya, 1982. – 32 s. (in Russian)
2. Слука, О.Г. СМИ Беларуси в условиях строительства социально ориентированной экономики / О.Г. Слука. – Минск: БГУ, 2014. – 59 с.
3. Евстафьев, В.А. Современное общество: духовные аспекты информационной безопасности личности / В.А. Евстафьев, С.Н. Соколова // Вестник Полесского государственного университета. Серия общественных и гуманитарных наук : научно-практический журнал. – 2016. – № 1. – С. 49 – 55.
4. Костиневич, К. Становление политической коммуникативистики как науки / К. Костиневич // Thesaurus : зб. навук. пр. / Магілёўскі інстытут МУС. Магілёў, 2019. Вып. 6 : Камунiкацыйныя асновы сучаснай цывiлiзацыi. С. 93 – 108.
5. Грачев, М.Н. Политическая коммуникация: теоретические концепции, модели, векторы развития. / М.Н. Грачев. – М. : Прометей, 2004. – 328 с.
6. Deuttsch K. The Nerves of Government: Models of Political Communication and Control. N.Y., 1966.
7. Хабермас, Ю. Моральное сознание и коммуникативное действие. / Ю. Хабермас. – СПб. : Наука, 2000. – 377 с.
8. Соловьев, А.И. Политология: Политическая теория, политические технологии: учебник для студентов вузов / А. И. Соловьев. ‒ М. : Аспект Пресс, 2003. – 559 с.
9. Делягин, М. Особенности современного общества. / М. Делягин. Наш современник. – 2018. – № 2. – С. 136 – 141.
10. Омельченко, Е.Л. Молодежь: Открытый вопрос / Е.Л. Омельченко. ‒ Ульяновск: Изд-во «Симбирская книга», 2004. – 184 с.
11. Ленин, В.И. Задачи союзов молодежи: Речь на III Всероссийском съезде Российского Коммунистического Союза Молодежи 2 октября 1920 г. / В.И. Ленин. – М. : Молодая гвардия, 1982. – 32 с.
1. Sokolova S.N. Mezhdunarodnaya bezopasnost' v informacionnom obshche-stve: osnovnye funkcii gosudarstvennogo regulirovaniya [International security in information society: basic functions of the state regulation (in Russian)]. Informacionnoe pravo [Information law]. 2018. no 3, pp. 4‒7. (in Russian)
2. Sluka O.G. SMI Belarusi v usloviyah stroitel'stva social'no orienti-rovannoj ekonomiki [Mass media of Belarus in the conditions of construction of socially oriented economy]. Minsk: BGU, 2014. 59 p. (in Russian)
3. Evstaf'ev V.A. Sovremennoe obshchestvo: duhovnye aspekty informacion-noj bezopasnosti lichnosti [Modern society: spiritual aspects of information security of personality]. Vestnik Polesskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya obshchestvennyh i gumanitarnyh nauk. [Bulletin of Polessky State University. Series of the social and humanitarian sciences]. 2016. no 1, pp. 49‒55. (in Russian)
4. Kostinevich K. Stanovlenie politicheskoj kommunikativistiki kak nauki [Formation of political communicativism as a science]. Thesaurus / Magіlyoўskі іnstytut MUS. Vyp. 6 : Kamunikacyjnyya asnovy suchasnaj cyvilizacyi [Mogilev Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 6: The communicative foundations of modern civilization]. 2018. no 3, pp. 4‒7. (in Russian)
5. Grachev M. N. Politicheskaya kommunikaciya: teoreticheskie koncepcii, modeli, vektory razvitiya [Political communication: theoretical concepts, models, vectors of development]. Moscow: Prometheus, 2004. 328 p. (in Russian)
6. Deuttsch K. The Nerves of Government: Models of Political Communication and Control. N.Y., 1963. 316 p. (in Russian)
7. Habermas YU. Moral'noe soznanie i kommunikativnoe dejstvie [Moral consciousness and communicative action]. SPb.: Nauka, 2000. 377 p. (in Russian)
8. Solov'ev A. I. Politologiya: Politicheskaya teoriya, politicheskie tekhno-logii: Uchebnik dlya studentov vuzov [Politology: Political Theory, Political Technologies: Textbook for University Students]. Moscow: Aspect Press, 2003. 559 p. (in Russian)
9. Delyagin M. Osobennosti sovremennogo obshchestva [Peculiarities of Modern Society]. Nash sovremennik [Our contemporary]. 2018. no 2, pp. 136 ‒ 141. (in Russian)
10. Omel'chenko E. L. Molodezh': Otkrytyj vopros [Youth: Open question]. Ulyanovsk: Ulyanovsk: «Simbirskaya kniga», 2004. 184 p. (in Russian)
11. Lenin V.I. Zadachi soyuzov molodezhi: Rech' na III Vserossijskom s"ezde Rossijskogo Kommunisticheskogo Soyuza Molodezhi 2 oktyabrya 1920 g. [Problems of Youth Unions: Speech at the III All-Russian Congress of the Russian Communist Union of Youth, October 2, 1920]. Moscow: Molodaya gvardiya, 1982. – 32 s. (in Russian)