Statistical forms of the population of the BSSR during the all-Union Urban Census of 1923
census, urban population, BSSR, statistical forms, 1923 yearAbstract
The article discusses the forms of statistical accounting used in the BSSR during the collection, development and summary of static data of the urban population census of 1923. Based on the example of a wide range of archival documents of the NARB, it was established that the main forms of the census were a source for further aggregation of statistical information that statistics provided authority and published in thematic collections for the public. In the author's opinion, this article contributes to a clear perspective of the use of materials from the 1923 all-Union Census of the Urban Population in the study of the history of Belarus.
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National Archives of Belarus, Minsk, fund. 30, inventory 1, files 4279.
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Dopolnitel'no k tsirkulyaru TsSU SSSR ot 18.06.1923 g. № 6205 o kalendarnoi programme rabot po svodke materialov perepisi 1923 g. National Archives of Belarus, Minsk, fund. 30, inventory 1, files 3890, p. 97.