Centralization of the authority of the BSSR prosecutor's office period 1922-1937
prosecutor's office, legality, government bodies, judicial reform, supervision, law enforcement agencies, justiceAbstract
Objective: to reveal the reasons and the process of centralization of the prosecutor's office of the BSSR in the pre-war period. To describe the legal regulation of this process. Outline the main stages of the centralization process.
Materials and methods: analysis and generalization of special literature, legal framework, dedicated to the events in history of the BSSR prosecutor's office in 1922–1936; study of archival materials of the NARB.
Results: the process of subordination of the activities of the Belarusian prosecutor's office and subordination to the prosecutor's office of the USSR is described. The prosecutor's office lost independence in making decisions and at the same time gained some independence in relation to the leadership of the Belarusian state.
Conclusion: the organizational structure of the Belarusian prosecutor's office at all levels, which took shape over almost two decades, was the result of the final formation by 1936 of the political system of the state, the main features of unconditional subordination to the leadership of the USSR.
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