Cognitive activity of students in the context of digitalization of education
cognitive activity, students, digitalization, educationAbstract
The article focuses on the controversial nature of the results of research on the digitalization of education in general and the organization of students ' cognitive activity in the new conditions in particular. It is noted that at the present stage, the motivational, target, operational and resultant components of cognitive activity are influenced by the total availability of information, the ease of its search, which leads to the devaluation of knowledge. Cognitive activity in the context of digitalization of education contributes to the formation of digital literacy, information and communication competence, emotional and social intelligence. Possible negative changes in the field of cognitive activity are associated with the risks of losing basic cognitive competencies, reducing the overall level of training, avoiding fundamentals, developing dyslexia and dysgraphy due to the priority of nonverbal communication. An essential feature of students' cognitive activity in the context of digitalization of education is the ability to quickly navigate large amounts of information, to assess the significance of content. At the same time, significant difficulties are recorded in the assimilation of large forms of educational material, as the focus on short and visual forms of information presentation, accompanied by visual clarity, becomes a priority. The results of the research can be applied to further comprehensive study of students ' cognitive activity in the context of digitalization of education, as well as to develop recommendations and design measures and systems to improve the quality of higher education.
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