Inside and foreign political factors of the international legal registration of the state border of the Republic of Belarus with Ukraine in historical retrospective (1992–2010)


  • A.V. Naumenko Institute of Border Service of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
  • A.M. Lukashevich Belarusian State University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


state border, delimitation, demarcation, international legal registration, ratification, Belarus, Ukraine


The article reveals little-known historical aspects of the process of international legal registration of the State border of the Republic of Belarus with Ukraine. The stages of establishing the state border on the Belarusian-Ukrainian section are highlighted, substantiated and characterized, as well as internal and foreign policy factors that influenced this process are analyzed. The principled position of the Belarusian side on the preservation of the primordially Belarusian territories is shown. For the first time, the author analyzes the preparatory stage that accompanied the beginning of the negotiation process on the delimitation of the state border. On the basis of new archival documents, the problem of the long-term ratification of the Treaty on the State Border by the Belarusian side is revealed.

Author Biographies

A.V. Naumenko, Institute of Border Service of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Head of the Department of the Officer Staff’s Training

A.M. Lukashevich, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Doctor of Hist. Sc., Professor, Professor of the Department of Modern and Contemporary History of Belarus


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Historical sciences