The system of parish priests training at the Minsk Theological Seminary in 1940-1960s
Minsk Theological Seminary, parish priests, seminarians, liturgical groups, house rules, class teachers, educational workAbstract
The article, based on archival materials, characterizes training of parish priests in Minsk theological seminary in the second half of the 40-s - beginning of the 60-s. The system of this training and the essence of regulation of seminarians' life are revealed. The content of educational process and separate disciplines are analyzed. The peculiarities of teaching secular and theological disciplines are revealed, methods of motivating students are given. The practical component of the training of future clergymen is emphasised on the example of liturgical groups. Emphasis is made on the essence of educational work in the seminary and the adaptation of seminarians to the Soviet reality in their future work at the parish.
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Материалы о работе Минской духовной семинарии (протоколы заседаний пед.совета, сведения о преподавателях и слушателях, программа занятий, списки слушателей и преподавателей, переписка) (05.01. – 30.12.1948) // НАРБ. – Фонд 951. Оп. 1. Д. 14. Т. 2.
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