The creation of an integrated physical culture and sports environment of the HEI to increase the effectiveness of the physical education of students


  • M.V. Haurylik Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


physical education, integrated physical culture and sports environment, educational environment, physical culture and sports activity, physical culture


The article presents the concept of an integrated physical culture and sports environment. The concept is based on the implementation of systemic, environmental and personality-oriented approaches in the organization of physical education of students and substantiates the need to take into account environmental factors and presents the physical culture and sports environment as a dynamic integrity, in which conditions are created for the harmonious development of the student's personality and his self-realization in physical culture and sports. The concept of an integrated physical culture and sports environment is based on the use of the possibilities of the variable part of the content of the program in physical education, the rational use of supervised independent work (planning, organization and control), which creates the most favorable conditions for self-determination of students in the choice of types of motor activity and their inclusion in independent motor activities. The model of an integrated physical culture and sports environment is presented. The model corresponds to the developed concept, creates a holistic perspective of the integrated physical culture and sports environment, and allows to explore its functioning, reflects the spatial-subject, pedagogical and social aspects in an unified educational process. The article presents the results of physical education of students in the created integrated physical culture and sports environment.

Author Biography

M.V. Haurylik, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Senior Lecturer


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Pedagogical sciences