Prospects of the influence of kinesthetic sensitivity on the development of physical qualities in playing sports
stabilometry, kinesthetic sensitivity, coordination abilities, physical qualitiesAbstract
The solution of the problems of modern sports science is aimed not only at increasing the physical working capacity of athletes, but also at the possibility of high-quality selection and selection within the framework of pedagogical (training) and biomedical support of their training. It should be especially noted that the most important predictor leading in the future to high results in team sports and thereby determining the prospects of young athletes is the criterion for the development of motor qualities, which are based on coordination abilities. The article contains information about the special contribution of the proprioceptive sensory system to the development of human physical qualities. A comprehensive study of the motor abilities of young athletes in playing sports was carried out: a pedagogical experiment was carried out using the stabilometry method with biofeedback in 22 young football players 9-11 years old and 25 hockey players born in 2010. In the course of this study, in addition to stabilometric examination, pedagogical tests and special finger gymnastics were used. The novelty of the research lies in the development of methodological possibilities for analyzing the influence of kinesthetic sensitivity on the development of various physical qualities of young athletes in playing sports using the stabilometry method. The results obtained allow us to conclude that the selection and training of young athletes, based only on pedagogical tests and the subjective feeling of a coach, cannot serve as a basis for both effective selective selection and rational organization of the training process in the system of long-term training. Such a methodological approach leads to serious errors in the adequate assessment of the athlete's movement system and, accordingly, affects the level of development of motor abilities.
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