Philosophical-allegorical novel in the period of modernism: traditions and innovations


  • О.F. Jilevich Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


philosophical and allegorical novel, modernism, transcendental, monadological model, metanarrative, extraspection


Objective: to reveal the philosophical and allegorical features of M. Proust's novel "In Search of Lost Time". Methods: dialectic, genetic, hermeneutic, structural-semiotic, intertextual, systemic. Results of the study can be used in the further study of the philosophical and allegorical novel from the standpoint of modern aesthetics, cultural studies, literary criticism, comparative studies, which, in turn, will deepen understanding of the modern literary process. Conclusion. Starting with a short historical overview that has proven the transcendental functionality of allegory since the Middle Ages, we find that allegory has taken on a "second wind" in modernist literature. In contrast to the aesthetic postulate of the romantics about the expression of oneself in idyllic nature, Ch. Baudelaire used allegory as part of his surnaturalisme program to return metaphysical knowledge lost in everyday life into a work of art, as well as to antagonize nature. Allegory as a sacred genre recreates the image of the lost God. The concept of the allegory of Ch. Baudelaire was continued by M. Proust. W. Benjamin in his writings proposed to consider the resurrection of the past in the novel "In Search of Lost Time" as an allegory. M. Proust's allegory returns the so-called “lost paradise”. A childhood and adolescent paradise that is (re) reborn with imaginary, surreal patterns of the individual's past. In the novel In Search of Lost Time, the allegorical reconstruction of an imaginary subject takes on an aesthetic character. The revival of spiritual life is reflected, on the one hand, as a topographic phenomenon, but, on the other hand, the topographic model is complemented by the concept of transcendental action. The author builds in the novel a monadological model of the inner and outer world, which motivates the topology of “search” and reveals the subject as a deep “I”.

Author Biography

О.F. Jilevich, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

PhD in Philol. Sc., Associate Professor


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Philosophical sciences