Phenomenological mode of network conflict research as a basis for the security of society development
network structures, social safety, conflict, interaction, consciousness, manipulation, phenomenologyAbstract
The introduction indicates that the relevance of the research is due to the fact, that social networks are gradually becoming not only a theoretical construct, but also an empirical object included in the sphere of daily human activity. The purpose of the work is to identify the phenomenological mode of network conflicts research for the safe development and functioning of modern society. The phenomenological mode of conflict research is considered, its essence and specificity are revealed. Its study allows us to reveal such essential characteristics of network processes that affect the dynamics of conflict development as the prevalence of horizontal connections over vertical ones, openness, anonymity, lack of a single system of values and norms, multi-channel relationships and fragmented knowledge about the problem situation. Network society is characterized by the transformation of the life world and the structure of social connections, changes in the perception of the other and the phenomenon of intentionality. The possibilities of manipulating consciousness increase due to the inclusion of many people in the network education, its openness, the lack of a real relationship between the elements and the formation of conditions for the collision of their opinions and judgments. Socio-philosophical analysis of network structures influence on human consciousness is necessary because of its multifaceted impact on social processes. These circumstances are an indispensable condition for the further safe development of the society. As a result of the analysis, it can be concluded that identifying the specifics of interaction between network structures is a necessary condition for maintaining the safety of the functioning of society and the state, helps to clarify the forms of manipulation of human consciousness. The increase in information risks and the emergence of new forms of conflict confrontations contribute to the need to develop new innovative approaches to the consideration and understanding of network conflicts.
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