Komsomol of Belarus in solving national economic problems of the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic (1985-1991)


  • S. Klishevich Belarusian State Univesity, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


LKSMB, BSSR, perestroika, komsomol youth collective, student detachments, socialist competitions, land reclamation, Komsomolkiy Prozhektor («Komsomol Searchlight»)


The purpose of the presented article is to consider the issues of the participation of the Komsomol of Belarus in solving the problems of the national economy during the period of the Soviet Union's attempt to accelerate economic development by mobilizing the internal reserves of every Soviet working person.

In this regard, the article analyzes the activities of the Lenin Communist Union of the Youth of Belarus (LKSMB) as an assistant to the Communist Party in the implementation of its policy.

Taking into account the specifics of the conditions for the development of the national economy of the BSSR, one of the main areas of work of the Komsomol of Belarus was participation in solving problematic issues of agriculture, including the organization of patronage of Komsomol organizations over lagging farms, as well as providing personnel for enterprises and agricultural organizations. An important state matter for young people was participation in the land reclamation of Polesie, which was declared an All-Union Youth construction site.

In the field of industry, special attention was paid to the creation of Komsomol-youth collectives in the conditions of economic transformation, the transfer of their work to the principles of brigade contracting and economic calculation.

A significant contribution to the development of the national economy was made by student detachments, which in the period under review also distinguished themselves as an effective mobilization resource in solving emergency tasks.

First of all, this concerns the elimination of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

During the period under review, the Komsomol paid special attention to the struggle for the quality of products, in connection with which, among other things, moral measures were actively used to encourage young workers to produce high–quality products – «Komsomolkiy Prozhektor» («Komsomol Searchlight»), quality headquarters and posts, competitions for the right to work on self-control, with a Komsomol guarantee passport, to take products from the first presentation and others.

At the same time, the active introduction of market mechanisms into the economy of the Soviet state led to the commercialization of the activities of the LKSMB and the transformation of the traditional priorities of its participation in solving the problems of the national economy: from ideological to economic, where the main goal was to make a profit.

Author Biography

S. Klishevich, Belarusian State Univesity, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Graduate Student of the Department of the History of Belarus of Modern and Contemporary Time of the History Faculty


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Historical sciences