Determination of the rational structure of physical and functional fitness of 13-14 years-old football players on the basis of correlation analysis


  • O. Kuznietsova Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus
  • D. Khomitsevich Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


young football players, physical fitness, functionality, correlation relationship


The training of young football players is the priority of sports schools preparing the replenishment of the Olympic reserve group. However, today in children's and youth football there are problems in building the educational and training process: the dynamics of the development of physical qualities is often not traced; the individual level of technical and physical readiness is insufficiently monitored for the purpose of their development; the rationality of the training results is not visible.

The purpose of the work is to determine the rational structure of the physical and functional fitness of football players aged 13-14 on the basis of a correlation analysis.

Research objectives. To assess the physical fitness of young football players in the structure of general physical and technical fitness. To study the relationship between the physical and functional fitness of football players aged 13-14, to establish informatively significant indicators.

Material and Methods. The study involved 32 students of the football section of the Youth Sports School "Volna-Pinsk" (Football Academy) born in 2007-2008. To solve the tasks set, the following methods of scientific research were used: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature; pedagogical supervision; testing; biomedical methods; methods of mathematical statistics.

Findings. Analysis of the data of pedagogical testing indicates that at the time of the study, the level of physical fitness was not formed among young football players. Technical qualities developed in the majority due to periodic and non-systemic influences in the previous motor experience. In addition, the presence of difficulties in determining the prospects of athletes in sports specialization (role) in terms of physical fitness indicators at this stage of training is confirmed. Statistical processing of the results showed that a certain number of significant relationships among young football players belong to the indicators of GPP, SFP tests and the functional state of the cardiovascular system.

Author Biographies

O. Kuznietsova, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports

D. Khomitsevich, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Аssistant of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports


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Pedagogical sciences