The creation of an integrated physical culture and sports environment in the educational institution
methodology, physical education, integrated physical culture and sports environment, physical culture and sports activity, physical culture, physical fitnessAbstract
The article presents the results of a study on the development and justification of an integrated physical culture and sports environment in the physical education of students. The methodology for creating an integrated physical culture and sports environment in a higher education institution is presented, the consistent implementation of its stages is disclosed: analytical, basic and evaluative. Innovative transformations in the system of physical education of students are presented on the basis of fundamentally new approaches to the organization of physical education classes. The article reflects the results of physical education of students in an integrated physical culture and sports environment based on: analysis of the effectiveness of physical education of students, which is expressed in the changes in the indicators of physical fitness of the experimental groups of female students from the EG/f and male students from the EG/m and control groups of male students from the CG/m and female students from the CG/f; the results of the dynamics of the level of physical fitness of the experimental groups and control groups obtained in the course of the pedagogical experiment. The structural prospects of the physical culture and sports environment are revealed, which are characterized by the interaction between the existing material and technical foundations and sports equipment, staff potential and corporate culture of HEIs, types and forms of organization of physical culture and sports activities, software and methodological support of the educational process and pedagogical supervision, established traditions and relations between students, which provides a set of opportunities for personal development and satisfaction of their personal needs. The conditions of the physical culture and sports environment for the manifestation of the abilities of students in their specific types of physical culture and sports activities chosen for pursuing physical self-education, self-development and self-realization are presented in the article.
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