The concept of legal understanding and its ethical basis in the work of V. Buczyński


  • A.I. Klimovich Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


Polotsk neoscholasticism, ethical and religious approach, legal understanding, law and morality, philosophy of law, inner light of reason, natural law


Objective: to define the role and place of V. Buczyński’s legal philosophy ideas in the legal philosophy context of the XIX ct.

Materials and methods: the primary sources are the original works of Western European philosophers, as well as the representative of the Polotsk neoscholasticism - V. Buchiński. The study is based on a comparative method of analysis, which allows comparing the reconstructed concept of law by V. Buczyński with the fundamental ideas in the legal philosophy field in the XIXth century.

Results: in the course of the research, the author came to the conclusion that V. Buchiński’s appeal to the legal philosophy was caused by the need to respond to the intellectual challenges of the time. The main problems the author had to solve were the problem of adapting the principle of rationalism to the scholastic heritage, as well as substantiating the natural law concept in the light of existed ideas in this sphere, some of which denied the value of this concept. The concept of law in the philosophy of V. Buczyński is based on the ethical and religious approach, founded on the concept of internal law sourced by Absolut. Disappointment in the Enlightenment social philosophy unjustified ideas, based on the cult of reason, was embodied in the criticizing the ideas of I. Kant's legal philosophy, as well as  the social contract concept denial, at the same time it became an impulse to search for new options for social regulators.

Conclusion: the concept of legal understanding by V. Buchyński was tomistic in its essence. At the same time it is one of the first attempts to return to the understanding of law within the framework of a religious and moral approach, this is a variant of building an ideally functioning society, united by the concept of the common good based on the axiological principles of the Christian worldview.

Author Biography

A.I. Klimovich, Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

PhD in Philos. Sc., Associate Professor the Department of Forensic Medicine


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Philosophical sciences