Music-computer educational systems as an interactive tool for students


  • A.A. Kovalevskaya I.P. Shamyakin Mozyr State Pedagogical University, Republic of Belarus


music, musical computer games, artificial intelligence chatbot, students


The article reveals the essence of the music-computer educational system as a multi-level structural organization of audiovisual means of visual perception of the virtual space, based on interactive and modeling mechanisms for the implementation of samples of forms, methods and styles of students' thinking based on problem fields and development prospects.

Contradictions have been established between: a) the needs of computer re-equipment of educational institutions, taking into account integrated, inclusive education, and the stereotyped training of students; b) a declaration of reforming music education and real cognitive-informational, developmental-educational and practical activities.

The system-thought-activity approach, implemented through thought-activity pedagogy and the basic task-targeted learning strategy (term N.A. Masyukova), includes samples of forms, methods and styles of thinking (methodological, constructive-technical, scientific, design, organizational and managerial, historical and etc.) instead of the information-task paradigm based on the chain of listening-memorization-assimilation-reproductive presentation of learning outcomes-assessment (A. Disterverg, Ya.A. Komensky and others).

The specific features of multimedia products (game, educational, special programs designed for independent amateur, professional levels), various types of computer technologies (presentations; electronic encyclopedias; informative, thematic and educational-game computer programs; simulator programs; virtual experiment systems; electronic textbooks and training courses; flash games), chat bots with artificial intelligence and neural networks that generate music (“ChatOPT” neural network for generating notes, “MuseNet” – a combination of various genres, “MusicLM” – creating audio from a text description.

The positions of the pedagogical activity of students as methodologists-scriptwriters, designers of teaching aids, methodologists-semiotechnologists and symbologists, methodologists-epistemotechnicians, operationalizers of thinking and proceduralists, designers of forms of teaching and learning activities, methodologists-culturologists are revealed.

Author Biography

A.A. Kovalevskaya, I.P. Shamyakin Mozyr State Pedagogical University, Republic of Belarus

PhD in Ped. Sc., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Special Pedagogy and Methods


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Pedagogical sciences